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Bronze- Business card placed in event bag 


Gold- Business card placed in event bags, social media shout-out on all war-ring women & widows social media platform


Platinum- Logo placed on the step and repeat banner, logo placed on the event website, logo paced event agenda, 2 advertisement spots on The Williams-Bey radio show. logo placed on the event agenda.


Corporate- Logo placed on our event page, 4 Advertisement spots on Williams-Bey radio show, Compay name mentioned in the press release and promotional interviews, Logo placed on the step and repeat banner at the event. Logo placed on event agenda.

Sponsorship Levels



Sharon and Sherman are the founders of The Creatives Playground, a creative space designed to give a platform to RVA's creatives. As a licensed officiant and a life and relationship coach, respectively, they found a shared passion for helping people express their own passions. The idea for The Creatives Playground was born from their chemistry and creative aspirations, and they use their spaces to host and produce their Love Plus One Radio Show on a weekly basis. Sharon and Sherman hope to help others develop their passions and find their own creative genius through their lifestyle brand known as "See Us Do Life."

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